all source code can be found on my github to make the data folder cleaner pack all converted mods into a BSA if no esp is present create a "dummy" ESP and that will cause the BSA's to load.Adding the ESP will cause the BSA's with said ESP name to load.Regenerate 64-bit FNIS Behavior by using the "Generate FNIS for Modders" found in the 32-Bit FNIS on the oldrim FNIS page.xml files generated from FNIS can be found in "tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\temporary_logs", put them in the Animation Converter and it should generate the proper Behavior files To generate Behavior files, IE FNIS, you need to convert the given xml to hkx.Download XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS From the PS4 Nexus.This is used to pack game files(textures, sounds, meshes, etc) into a BSA
Archive.exe is available from the Creation Kit.This is used to convert 32-Bit skyrim HKX to 64-Bit PS4 HKX HavocBehaviourPostProcess.exe is available from the Creation Kit.This is used to by my tool to convert the XWM to WAV xWMAEncode.exe was created by Microsoft and can be found in the DirectX SDK.This is used to by my tool to extract the voice dialogue fuz_extractor.exe was created by Agnahim and can be found at.Is used to convert the audio to ATRAC9(AT9) at9tool.exe is in the PS4 SDK if installed (C:\Program Files (x86)\SCE\ORBIS SDKs\4.500\host_tools\bin) else (InstallFiles\).libSceGpuAddress.dll is in the PS4 SDK if installed (C:\Program Files (x86)\SCE\ORBIS SDKs\4.500\host_tools\bin) else (InstallFiles\).libSceGnm.dll is in the PS4 SDK if installed (C:\Program Files (x86)\SCE\ORBIS SDKs\4.500\host_tools\bin) else (InstallFiles\).orbis-image2gnf.exe is in the PS4 SDK if installed (C:\Program Files (x86)\SCE\ORBIS SDKs\4.500\host_tools\bin) else (InstallFiles\).There are other tools are needed and that you must find yourself. Archive2 (from this toolkit)Was developed and created by me (Kernel Panic)Īrchive2-Muti-Chunk Was developed and created by me (Kernel Panic).SSE-Fallout-4-Automatic Was developed and created by me (Kernel Panic).SSE-Fallout 4 Voice Dialog Converter.exe Was developed and created by me (Kernel Panic).SSE-Fallout 4 Texture Converter.exe Was developed and created by me (Kernel Panic).SSE-Fallout 4 Sound-Music Converter.exe Was developed and created by me (Kernel Panic).SSE-Fallout 4 Animation Converter.exe Was developed and created by me (Kernel Panic). Was developed and created by me (Kernel Panic).There are several tools that are used to get things done. Please consult the Discord server here for help using this tool.